latest 9 messages by Algebr`

+ [2016-09-23T13:16:43Z] Algebr` ah, nvm, I see it was my mistake
+ [2016-09-23T13:04:19Z] Algebr` okay.....apparently its been a known issue for two weeks and no fix pushed,
+ [2016-09-23T12:53:06Z] Algebr` version 3.2.1
+ [2016-09-23T12:52:56Z] Algebr` project created with jekyll new foo
+ [2016-09-23T12:52:41Z] Algebr` brand new installation of latest version of jekyll and apparently the scss it has is incorrect, sass doesn't want to compile it with error
+ [2016-03-31T19:08:13Z] Algebr` rather, connection refused.
+ [2016-03-31T19:08:03Z] Algebr` just times out,
+ [2016-03-31T18:52:48Z] Algebr` My ssh based git operations to github are all timing out, nothing has changed since I last did anything with github. Is this something happening on github end?
+ [2016-02-24T17:35:24Z] Algebr` How can I do redirects on github pages when I'm not using jekyll?